How children can benefit from chiropractic care – Chiropractor – North Haven was last modified: May 20th, 2018 by APM
Learn about car accidents, whiplash and chiropractic.
No matter how minor you may think a car accident is, injuries can still occur to the soft tissues and joints of your neck and back. Typical injuries encountered in car accidents tend to respond well to chiropractic care. Dr. Maxwell Mitchell and Dr. Candice Pollack are Chiropractic Physicians at Advanced Physical Medicine in North Haven, CT and have experience treating injuries suffered in car accidents. Typical treatment in their office consists of chiropractic manipulative therapy, electric stimulation, hot/cold packs, cross friction massage, stretching techniques and rehab exercises to strengthen injured, weak areas.
Car Accidents, Whiplash and Chiropractic was last modified: February 14th, 2013 by APM
What is Chiropractic? On August 13, 2012 Dr. Candice Pollack and Dr. Maxwell Mitchell discussed chiropractic with Dr. Raeleen Mautner on her radio show “The Art of Living Well” on WNHU 88.7 FM. Among the questions were how long do Chiropractors go to school for? What do Chiropractors treat? What is that popping sound during a chiropractic adjustment? Is Chiropractic safe for children?
The doctors also discussed why they became Chiropractors and how they strive to get their patients involved with their own health, not just their current injury or complaint.
What is Chiropractic? “The Art of Living Well” radio interview was last modified: December 18th, 2012 by APM
Kinesiotape aka SpiderTech, KT Tape, RockTape and numerous other names/brands
This past weekend was the 2012 CrossFit Games and we noticed a good amount of the athletes were wearing kinesiotape. Ever since the 2008 Bejing Olympics this tape has been used widely in sporting events. From bright colors to cool looking designs this tape is not a fashion statement, it actually has some pretty cool effects. What does this funky looking tape actually do and how does it work?
Kinesiotape……What is that crazy colored tape and how does it work? was last modified: October 5th, 2012 by APM
Dr. Maxwell Mitchell and Dr. Candice Pollack sat down with Bill Dillane of North Haven TV to discuss physical wellness and weekend warriors.
Weekend Warriors & Physical Wellness Interview was last modified: August 28th, 2012 by APM